Round table “Instruments of Motivation at the Personal, Institutional, National levels in the context of the Internal Quality Assurance Systems Development in Higher Education” (24.05.2018, Kyiv)
On 24 May 2018 the Round table “Instruments of Motivation at the Personal, Institutional, National levels in the context of the Internal Quality Assurance Systems Development in Higher Education” – TAM event- took place in National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The organisers of the event: National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine with the support of the European Union – SPHERE, EACEA.
82 participants (HERE team, representatives of HEIs, the Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine, Scientific and Methodical Council and Commissions, the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, associations of employers, research institutions, QA practitioners, students, NGOs engaged in higher education area) attended the seminar.
Welcome speeches were made by Vasyl KREMEN, President, National Academy of Educational Science of Ukraine, Vira RYBAK, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Coordinator, National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine.
Oleg SHAROV, Director, General Directorate for Higher Education and Adult Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, HERE team highlighted the issues of Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Ukraine (challenges and prospects according to new legislation).
Development of Internal Quality Assurance in line with ESG, incl. modern approaches to stakeholders engagement, some features of Quality Assurance for higher education on regulated professions (eg. Medicine, Law, Engineering, and School Teachers) and Instruments for motivation of academic staff to obtain competencies on QA tools and procedures in line with ESG, to active participate in QA process, to improve higher education quality were presented by Tia LOUKKOLA, QA and TAM expert, Director of Institutional Development, European University Association.
Volodymyr LUGOVYY, First Vice-President, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, HERE team defined the Roles of the stakeholders in Internal Quality Assurance system prospects according to new Ukraine’ Law on Higher Education. Presentation of Andriy STAVYTSKYY, HERE team’ Chair, ECTS Coordinator, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv was related to Issues of motivation of academic staff and students for participation in Internal Quality Assurance development. The role of academic staff and students in Internal Quality Assurance highlighted by Volodymyr BAKHRUSHYN, Professor of the Department of the System Analysis and Calculative Mathematics, Zaporizhia National Technical University, HERE team.